Data Science

Adopt data-driven machine learning to improve future outcomes with our Data Science services

Integrated dashboards

Get insights on the fly for quick decision making with integrated and interactive dashboards

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Market Mix Modeling

Optimize marketing spends by analyzing the effectiveness of campaigns across channels

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Customer Analytics

Create customer 360 view to collect critical insights on customer behavior, affinities and much more

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Demand Forecasting

Optimize inventory, logistics and distribution for resilient and efficient operations by predicting demand

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Collection Analytics

Make debt management strategies for collections and recovery to mitigate losses

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Anomaly Detection

Mitigate frauds at transactions level, merchant level or account level by anomaly detection

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Guest Analytics

Analyze guests’ needs, preferences, and expectations to deliver personalized experience

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Menu Engineering

Analyze popularity and profitability of menu items to plan pricing, promotions, and item combinations

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Loyalty Management

Increase repeat customers and customer lifetime value (CLTV) by building a loyal customer base

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Credit Risk Scorecard

Credit risk modelling is an approach to determine the probability of default for a customer

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Promotions Analytics

Analyze effectiveness of trade promotions and offers to maximize returns

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