Marketing Mix Modelling

Market Mix Modelling

Companies use multiple media channels and promotions such as TV, radio, internet, mobile and print advertising as well as price discounts, coupons and bundled offerings. A complex mix of own actions, competitors’ actions, regulatory changes and market events affect a product’s performance. The challenge lies in correctly separating the effects of marketing activities from all the above components.

What We Do

  • digital-analytics
    Forecasting Capability

    Forecast the ROI with the highest level of accuracy across different time horizons

    short or long term across large datasets

  • collection-analytics-icon
    Predictive Modeling Capability

    Predict the impact of key performance indicators on the expected outcome to obtain the best possible outcome for different combinations of marketing mix.

  • mix-market
    Simulation Capability

    Simulate the real time marketing mix parameters to understand the effect of marketing mix on ROI for various marketing initiatives

  • trade-promotion-icon
    Reporting Capability & Optimization Capability

    Monitor the performance of the Market Mix Modeling

    Optimize the different combinations of simulated capabilities to determine what the optimal spend mix should be

Want to learn more about TransOrg’s value proposition solution methodology and implementation approach?

Our Services Provide a Unique Range of Benefits

boost in marketing effectiveness

cost savings through market mix modeling

Improvement in share of wallet with same level of costs

Improvement in channel contribution to brand awareness

Other Solutions

  • mix-market

    Trade Promotion Optimization

    Evaluate promotion effectiveness of trade promotions which helps in achieving business goal

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  • collection-analytics-icon

    Integrated Dashboards

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  • customer-behaviour-icon

    Customer Analytics

    Get critical customer insights for personalized marketing, sales strategies and business growth

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  • WhatsApp_Image_2022-08-16_at_5.10.49_PM-removebg-preview

    Market Mix Modeling

    Analyze marketing effectiveness at channel and campaign level to optimize marketing spends

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Case Studies