Boost ROI
Business Analytics

Find Similar Customers and Boost ROI with Targeted Campaigns


Become a clairvoyant who accurately finds similar customers that matter

Your targets are more aggressive than before while your budgets have been slashed. You execute simultaneous campaigns, each of which are scrutinized carefully and you are expected to deliver higher ROI faster than before. While as a marketer you use established customer segmentation techniques to improve customer visibility you still find it very difficult to identify the right set of customers to target for each campaign.

Introducing Clonizo; a powerful “Big Data” driven algorithmic engine designed by TransOrg Analytics; which integrates near real-time predictions, optimizes campaign targeting and significantly boosts campaign ROI. Clonizo helps you find customers similar to an ideal customer based on behavioral signatures.

The motivation for applying look-alike models for customer targeting materializes from the idea that people with similar tastes tend to behave alike. Let’s understand the application of the same with an example.

A publisher with a customer base of 100 million unique subscribers ran a big sale day on its website. An advertiser on its website launched multiple campaigns on a randomly selected subset of 10 million customers resulting in 10,000 conversions (measured as clicks). Next year instead of targeting a random subset of customers, the advertiser used Look-Alike Models to identify customers with behavioral characteristics as that of the 10,000 customers who had converted in the previous year. Conversions jumped to be 50,000.

Business applications of Clonizo varies from customer acquisition to retention

Look-alike audiences – Predict the behavior of customers with matching characteristics, behavior timelines and customers having a high probability of performing a specific action

Lead scoring – Score leads based on their prediction & probability of conversion to target communications and marketing campaigns. Focus exclusively on highly qualified prospects.

Acquisition, up-sell & cross-sell – Use behavior predictions to identify ideal targets for acquisition or to up-sell and cross-sell

Fraud detection – Detect patterns of fraudulent behavior and identify potentially high risk customers

Customer attrition – Identify existing customers with a high propensity to attrite

Optimize your campaign targeting – get more from less

Clonizo is the future of optimized campaigning that assures a significant increment in return on investment across different marketing campaigns. While you navigate the long, arduous but exciting journey ahead adopt Clonizo to sharpen your campaign targeting by identifying the right customers to target and enhance both customer engagement and retention.

Join our webinar titled “Find Similar Customers, Boost ROI” on September 28th, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. GMT (4:30 p.m. IST) by registering here:

About TransOrg Analytics

TransOrg Analytics, an award winning ‘Big Data and Predictive analytics’ company, offers advanced analytics solutions to industry leaders and Fortune 500 companies across India, US, UK, Singapore and the Middle East. Our products ‘Clonizo'(customer cloning) and ‘Mobisights’ (interactive mobile dashboards) have yielded incremental business benefits to our clients. We have been recognized by the CIO Review magazine as the ‘Predictive Analytics Company of the Year’ and by TiE for excellence in entrepreneurship.