Guest Analytics

Customer 360 for Aviation

Serving millions of customers daily, with each having unique interests, preferences and demographics, aviation industry needs to build customer analytics solutions into its business. Omni-channel customer interactions have exploded the volume of available customer data, however, most organizations are struggling to leverage this data to their advantage.

With its advanced analytics expertise, TransOrg Analytics integrates data from disparate data systems for effective collaboration and enterprise-wide visibility to deliver critical customer insights improving customer acquisition, accelerating customer engagement, retaining profitable customers and optimizing business operations.

What We Do

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    Data Stitching and cleansing

    Unifying data from multiple sources to create single source of truth

    Cleaning data such as removing null values, identifying and treating data errors and anomalies

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    Feature Engineering and Model Building

    Engineer new variables for precise insights banking upon TransOrg’s experience in hospitality

    Developing machine learning models to solve different customer analytics use cases

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    Model Review and Feedback

    Review and compare models using train test approach

    Build automations in outputs based on self–learning models

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    Solution integration

    Integrate TransOrg’s solution with your existing on-prem or on-cloud infrastructure using native models, data and process orchestration layers and augment it with necessary data science capabilities and insights

Learn more about TransOrg’s value proposition solution methodology and implementation approach

Our Services Provide a Unique Range of Benefits

Maximize customer lifetime values (CLTV)

Run targeted campaigns for customer acquisition and retention

Elevate customer experience with hyper-personalization

Get critical customer insights on fingertips

Other Solutions

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    Demand Forecasting

    Predict demand across food, accommodation and recreational services to optimize operation margin

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    Integrated Dashboards

    Get insights on the fly for quick decision making with integrated and interactive dashboards

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    Menu Re-engineering

    Analyze popularity and profitability of menu items to take insightful decisions for pricing, promotions and item combinations

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    Loyalty Management

    Increase repeat customers and customer lifetime value (CLTV) by building a loyal customer base

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Case Studies