Customer Analytics

Get critical customer insights

Omni-channel customer interactions provides huge chunks of customer data to the organizations, however, most of the companies struggle in leveraging this data to their advantage.

With its advanced analytics expertise, TransOrg Analytics integrates disparate data systems for effective collaboration and enterprise-wide visibility to deliver critical customer insights improving customer acquisition, accelerating customer engagement, retaining profitable customers and optimizing business operations.

What We Do

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    Stitching Data and Feature Engineering

    Unify data from multiple sources to create a single source of truth

    Convert unstructured data into structured data

    Engineer new variables for precise insights banking upon TransOrg’s prior experiences

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    Model Building

    Develop ML models for customer acquisition, retention, engagement, cross-sell, up-sell, CLTV tracking and many more

    Using NLP techniques to understand customer sentiments, product and or service quality perception, brand loyalty and other tough-to-quantify business insights

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    Model Review and Feedback

    Review and compare models using train test approach

    Build automations in output based on self–learning models

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    Solution integration

    Integrate solution with existing on-prem or on-cloud infrastructure using native models, data and process orchestration layers and augment it with necessary data science capabilities and insights.

Learn more about TransOrg’s value proposition solution methodology and implementation approach?

Our Services Provide a Unique Range of Benefits

Improved customer experience due to personalization

Increased cross-sell and up sell opportunities

Improved customer lifetime value (CLTV)

Reduced customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Other Solutions

  • mix-market

    Trade Promotion Optimization

    Evaluate promotion effectiveness of trade promotions which helps in achieving business goal

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    Supply Chain Optimization

    Optimize inventory, logistics and distribution for resilient and efficient operations

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    Integrated Dashboards

    Get insights on the fly for quick decision making with integrated and interactive dashboards

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    Market Mix Modeling

    Analyze marketing effectiveness at channel and campaign level to optimize marketing spends

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Case Studies