Supply Chain Optimization

Guest Analytics

Strong supply chains builds resilience against disruptions, delivers above customer expectations and improves overall efficiency.

TransOrg Analytics’ AI-enabled forecasting solutions provide accurate insights on sales trends and granular demand predictions at an SKU and store level which helps companies to:

  • Make inventory decisions on a near real-time basis
  • Avoid frequent stock-outs and lost sales
  • Reduce logistics, distribution, and storage costs
  • Optimize inventory levels across their supply chain
  • Improve customer service with on-time deliveries

What We Do

  • digital-analytics
    Stitching Data

    Unify data from multiple sources to create a single source of truth

    Convert unstructured data into structured data

  • collection-analytics-icon
    Feature Engineering and Model Building

    Engineer new variables for precise insights banking upon TransOrg’s prior experiences

    Build forecasts using machine learning models, time series approach or cloud-based forecasting

  • mix-market
    Model Review and Feedback

    Review and compare models using train test approach

    Build automations in outputs based on self–learning models

  • trade-promotion-icon
    Solution integration

    Integrate TransOrg’s solution with your existing on-prem or on-cloud infrastructure using native models, data and process orchestration layers and augment it with necessary data science capabilities and insights

Want to learn more about TransOrg’s value proposition solution methodology and implementation approach?

Our Services Provide a Unique Range of Benefits

Improved forecasting accuracy for better results

Resilient and efficient supply chain

Improved customer service and order execution time

Minimum stock-outs and lost sales

Other Solutions

  • mix-market

    Trade Promotion Optimization

    Evaluate promotion effectiveness of trade promotions which helps in achieving business goal

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    Integrated Dashboards

    Get insights on the fly for quick decision making with integrated and interactive dashboards

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  • customer-behaviour-icon

    Customer Analytics

    Get critical customer insights for personalized marketing, sales strategies and business growth

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    Market Mix Modeling

    Analyze marketing effectiveness at channel and campaign level to optimize marketing spends

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Case Studies